Presteigne St Andrews will be staging its annual vice presidents race night at Llanandras Park on Saturday 12 September.
Dougie Preece has been working hard to sell the horses for what is always a good night out, but there is still the chance to buy one for only £5.00. If you are interested, then please speak to any committee member and they will gladly relieve you of your money…
Just in case anyone is wondering, this is not going to involve our running top-class thoroughbreds through the clubhouse as Dot Griffiths would probably have forty fits, and anyway the horses would have trouble cornering on the dance floor. Rather we shall be watching races on film and betting on the outcome – all for a bit of fun and in support of club funds, so why not come along?
The first race is due off at 8.00pm and there will be prizes for the winning owners while a buffet will be provided.