Successful race day held at the club

Presteigne St Andrews FC
Can you help with the club's race night?
Presteigne St Andrews FC
Racing fans had a good day at Llanandras Park

Gold Cup Day was marked in fine style at Presteigne St Andrews FC as the club staged a successful event to mark the Cheltenham showpiece.

A decent crowd of racing fans turned out at the clubhouse at Llanandras Park to watch the day’s racing on the giant screen.

The relative success of punting is yet to be fully determined, but I am advised that the bookmaker to whom we were phoning through the bets was ‘very satisfied’ with the arrangement, all of  which suggests he must have had a good day.

Well done to Alan Stocker, Tom Ammonds and everyone else involved in arranging the day – if we are being honest, it was a bit of an experiment but it clearly worked well and is something that is likely to be revisited in future.

If you were one of those who ‘donated money in support of sick animals’ some of whom are probably still running, well, here’s hoping you have better luck next time!