Quiz on Thursday night

Presteigne St Andrews FC
Strain the grey matter ahead of the Easter break
Presteigne St Andrews FC
Strain the grey matter ahead of the Easter break

Yes, once again, it’s time to strain the brain in Presteigne St Andrews FC’s Annual Maundy Thursday quiz.

This will be taking place on Maundy Thursday (yes, the clue is in the name…) so, Thursday, 24 March and is to be held at the Clubhouse at Llanandras Park.

Andrew Williams will be the ‘Jeremy Paxman’ of Llanandras Park as he will be firing the questions and, as anyone who has ever taken part in ‘Drewie’s’ quizzes in the Oak will know, there is usually a good cross-section of subjects covered.

So, why not get a team of four together and enter the quiz? It could be just the perfect way of starting your Easter break.

It will cost you £2.50 per person and you will need to register your interest in entering with either Tom Ammonds on: 07799 268007 or 01544 267091.