Reserves’ Wednesday-night game called off

Presteigne St Andrews FC
The going was good to swamp-like
Presteigne St Andrews FC
To paraphrase Mary Berry in Bake Off – Llanandras Park has a soggy bottom..

Presteigne Reserves’ scheduled Mid Wales League (South) game against Hay St Mary’s Reserves on Wednesday, 8 February has been postponed.

As had been feared, there was more rain overnight and it’s reported that parts of the Llanandras Park pitch are waterlogged.

An inspection on Wednesday morning confirmed the club’s suspicions that there was no way the game could go ahead, so an early call was made.

As I write this on Wednesday afternoon, it’s still raining in the People’s Republic of Presteigne, so it’s looking like that was the right call.

As soon as we have a new date for the fixture we will publish it here on the website but, in the meantime, no football at Llanandras Park on Wednesday night.