100 Club winners for September

Presteigne St Andrews FC
Well done to all of our December winners
Presteigne St Andrews FC
Well done to all of our September winners

The first draw of the 2019-2020 Presteigne St Andrews FC 100 Club took place on Friday, 27 September.

The draw took place in Presteigne Bowling Club and congratulations to Duane Anning who claimed the top prize of £100.

My thanks to Les Pitt for forwarding me the details of the winners a full list of which you will find below.

A gentle reminder that if you are still due to pay your subscription for the 100 Club for the new year then please can you give your £25 to a committee member at your earliest convenience.

The club really appreciates the support of all of those who are members of the 100 Club as it is a very important ongoing fundraiser for the club.

The next draw will be held in the Royal British Legion Club at around 7.00pm on Friday, 25 October.

So, the full list of the September winners is as follows:

Prize Ticket NumberPrize Winner
£100.0044Duane Anning
£40.00250Jason Powell
£30.0085Isobel Roberts
£30.0098Adrian Lunt