Pre-season training continues apace

Presteigne St Andrews FC
Pre-season training is underway
Click on the image to watch the video of John’s thoughts on pre-season

Presteigne St Andrews FC’s manager John Haycox says he’s pleased by the progress the club is making in pre-season training but knows there is still a lot of work to be done.

The squad was put through its paces in an extended training session at Llanandras Park on Saturday, 26 June.

If you would like to take a look at John’s thoughts, you can do so by either clicking here or on the image at the top of the page.

Essentially John feels there is plenty of talent on show at the training sessions but he acknowledges there is the need for one or two older heads in among the crop of talented younger players.

He is hoping to speak to two more players this week with a view to them joining the squad ahead of the opening competitive match of the season in which we will take on Radnor Valley in the FAW Senior Cup on Saturday, 10 July.

Incidentally, despite our being drawn away from home, that game will now be played at Llanandras Park as Radnor Valley don’t currently have access to their ground.

There will be a pre-season game against Morda at Llanandras Park on Saturday, 3 July when the kick off will be at 2.30pm.