The draw for the August round of Presteigne St Andrews FC’s 100 Club took place on Monday, 6 August.
Congratulations to Mike Mokler who scooped the top prize for this month.
This was the final draw of the 100 Club ‘year’ and so a gentle reminder to those who need to know that, if you would like to either continue in the 100 Club (and we hope you will) or join it (we also hope you will), then now would be a good time to pay the subscription.
The cost for the year remains at £25.00 and this will see you entered in the 12 monthly draws, the top price for each is £100.00. There is also currently a £50.00 and a £30.00 prize each month.
The draw for September is scheduled for on or around Friday, 24 September, although it might well be that going forward the draws are held either on match days in the clubhouse or at committee meetings.
The full list of winners for August is as follows:
Prize | Ticket Number | Prize Winner |
£100.00 | 10 | Mike Mokler |
£50.00 | 11 | Ken and Steph Griffiths |
£30.00 | 261 | Enid Matthews |