Wednesday-night Felindre game is off

Presteigne St Andrews FC
No game this evening
Presteigne St Andrews FC
No game this evening

Presteigne St Andrews FC’s scheduled home Mid Wales League (South) fixture against Felindre on Wednesday, 27 October has been postponed.

A number of players in the squad had reported Covid-19-like symptoms on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning.

This was reported to the league secretary and, in the current climate it was agreed the only sensible course of action was to call off the game.

This will be disappointing for John and his side who would have been looking forward to having a chance to get things back on track after the two-one home defeat by Brecon on Friday, 22 October.

Presteigne are not due to play this coming Saturday – that was always due to be a free weekend.

Our apologies to Felindre FC but I am sure they can appreciate it is another example of the times in which we are living.