Website update

Presteigne St Andrews FC
Presteigne St Andrews FC

Well, this is proving a bit more problematic than we first thought.  

After close to three hours (I kid you not) on a live chat with the website host company, it appears an essential update they had to do for security patches means our theme (the way the site looks) is no longer supported.

I will chase WordPress for further information on this but, if it does transpire that this is, indeed, the case, then the site is going to need a major overhaul in the coming days and weeks.

This is likely to involve installing a new theme and them updating pages so they look right.  If this is the case, it will take many, many hours, but I will check out with WordPress first and see how I get on.

It is all grief we can well do without as it’s not like there is much else going on at this time of year!

I will keep you posted as to how we are getting on – technology, don’t you just love it?