Steve Kay faces time on the sidelines

Steve Kay (left) receives the Sparey Cup last season
Steve Kay (left) receives the Sparey Cup last season

Presteigne St Andrews’ injury jinx appears to have struck again with the news that defender Steve Kay could be sidelined for some time.

‘Kayer’ was injured during the first team match against Bow Street and so became the latest Presteigne player to have a Saturday-night trip to Hereford’s Accident and Emergency department.

Presteigne manager Barry Williams said the initial tests were not entirely conclusive but the early signs are not promising.

“The medical people are pretty sure he’s pulled his lateral ligament – a grade-two sprain on the knee and possible cartilage tear,” he said.

“He’s due to go back tomorrow to find out more but he could be out for anywhere between three and eight weeks depending on the results of the tests,” he added.

Steve Kay joins striker Callum Matthews (broken arm) and central defender Max Powell (broken ankle and damaged ligaments) as long term injury victims and manager Barry Williams must be thinking things can only get better…